The personnel fitness is healthy mind, healthy body. It presents two basic components:
- Social intelligence (social knowledge)
-The psychic - emotional and corporal state.
It is the emotional capacity of the individual that activates all the affective processes and positions of psycho-corporal balance. Being capable of inhibit and eliminat the negative stimuli and of activate the beaten stimuli by himself or by the society.
In the PF a combination is realized between the different types of coaching, assuming a psycho-corrector system role and presenting specific instruments of associated complicity.
- LOTSE-Coaching: it concentrates on the social communication and on the affective and conductive processes through the language with special words. It is the exterior lotse. It is a linguistic intervention. The solution, the vision of the solution and with this the imaginary success. The primary role is not played by the problem but for the solution or possible solutions of this one.
- BORD-Coaching: In this part we work firstly in fields of conditioning on direct and indirect stimulation. Is used the training with specific hardware relative to the body and to the rhythmically moderated mind, new horizons of possibilities and of corporal actions for the stimulation by positive excitement are widened, provoking vitality, psychomotor direction, imagination, creativity and the activation of new attitudes.
- LOT-Coaching: Is worked with mechanisms of suggestion and imagination giving the orientation by the trainerthat the individual is influenced. It is used like technique to decrease the tension of the individual.
It constitutes the deep base of the PFC where we work with Hypno-Coaching like a most specialized instrument in the unconscious part with therapeutic purposes of psycho-correction and to manage the reinforcement of the positive capacities of the human being.
Hypno-Coaching works with the same specifically cognitive psychological processes as the BORD-Coaching, fundamentally based on the senses of the perception (visual, auditory, tactile/ kinesthetic) and also the process of concentration of the attention in the unconscious state when the individual has come to a process of trance, between the conscious level and the unconscious level.
General system
Learn about the PF-Coaching